Tuesday, January 19, 2010

January Dinner Club: Bowling

Our January Dinner Club was not held at anyone's house. Instead we all took a break and met at a restaurant for dinner and then went bowling. I was not too excited about it, really. But it really did end up being a lot of fun. Well, except for the fact that out of our entire group I bowled the absolute WORST. If you know anything about bowling, you'll know that a 33 is rather bad to score. That was my score. I had gutter ball after gutter ball. Mark did really well though. It was a nice change to go out with everyone.
Edit: I did not notice that one of the men was picking his nose when I posted the photo. My husband just busted out laughing and figured I should make a note about this.
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Jessica said...

I tend to cringe when it comes to bowling, too, but then I usually have fun once I'm there! :) (The good thing about being pregnant, though, is that you can use it as an excuse to get out of a LOT of things!) :)

Lisanne said...

I bet that picking your nose would help your fingers adhere to the bowling ball better!