Of course, tonight we're watching Super Bowl 43 (no idea how to write that in Roman Numerals). We're pulling for the Cardinals. Why? Only because we like Kurt Warner. But mainly, I am just watching tv for the commercials like a lot of other people.
Well, we haven't fallen off the face of the earth. We've just been working a whole lot lately. And I've felt like there really hasn't been anything worthy of posting that wouldn't bore you all to death.
Let's see, I found a new dentist. And he doesn't seem like a money sucking unethical person like the one I had in D.C. This dentist gave me a sheet up front of everything that needed to be done and the cost of it. Wow. That's being very up front. I never got that with the other dentist.
Oh, I also got to meet my neighbor whom I have been meaning to meet for sometime now. We went out for brunch on Friday and then some shopping. I really like her and we have a lot in common in the way we view things. She's a year younger than me, a stay at home mom with two kids, and an animal advocate too. Apparently we're both feeding the couple of stray cats from down the street that their owners don't want anymore so they just let them fend for themselves. Very sad.
Harris Teeter, our grocery store, was a mad house today. It was quite funny as we bought some shake n bake and paid for it, but after we put all of the groceries up we couldn't find it ANYWHERE. Well, finally after tearing the place apart, we found it. In the freezer. Ha! Ever done that?
It was amazingly warm outside today. mark and I took a walk without our jackets down the street and found a paint job we quite like. Our house is due to be painted this year sometime. I think we're gonna go with a taupe color that will really stand out with the white trim. I also want to paint the shutters and doors black. The house down the street looks great. I'll have to figure out how to go through the HOA for approval.
Well, it's almost halftime. The Cardinals are gonna have to turn it up a notch.