Then off to sleepy town we went. We slept 10 hours and felt way better the next morning.
Use a piece of crown moulding and patch it together with the remnants of the free flyswatter with electrical tape. And voila!
I got a pretty good laugh when I got home the other night and found that Mark had been trying to swat a fly here and there and broken a pitiful little fly swatter that we had. He did what he could with what he had.
Just out of curiousity, where do you think Walmart would keep their fly swatters? I looked in home improvement, gardening, cleaning supplies, PET supplies (for lack of other options) and came up with nothing. Nada. So, I finally broke down and asked where I could find a fly swatter. His answer: "the grocery section". What???!!! The grocery section? That doesn't even make sense, and frankly is kind of gross. But low and behold there they were.
I brought the baked beans: no problem. Deviled eggs: great. And the ONLY dessert: peach cobbler: problem.
My mom makes the BEST peach cobbler ever. So, I thought that it seemed simple enough and I could do it too! And wouldn't that go perfect with the summer goodies? And who doesn't like peach cobbler? Nobody, that's who. So, I combined all of the ingredients and did everything exactly as she had instructed me over the phone. I check it 45 mins later and it looks just like it did when I put it in. Hmm....okay I'll let it cook a little longer. An hour and a half later, it really isn't looking that much better. So, I let it go two hours. I finally take it out and decide it HAS to be done. At this point we needed to leave to get there on time.
We all finished eating and it came time for dessert. I went to dish it out to serve to everyone and well, it wouldn't come out of the pan. Seriously. I was starting to sweat. Need I remind you that cobbler should SPOON out of a pan. I had a metal spatula and a KNIFE and couldn't get it to separate. I finally just did what I could and served it anyway. Praying nobody asked who made it. I gave Mark his, who asked me if he could have a knife. I got him a knife. He struggled a while and then leaned over to me and said "It won't cut. It's like rubber. Is it supposed to be like this?" Fantastic. At this point I was pretty much ready to crawl into the oven myself.
Well, after nearly a week of trying to figure out what I had done wrong, the only conclusion I could come to was the oven. I mean, it's an old oven that is the only appliance we haven't replaced here and that must be it. Right? Well, on my way home from work yesterday it dawned on me what was wrong. The Flour!!!!! I use all purpose and she uses self rising! That's it! That explains why the flour on my cobbler had sank to the bottom and just baked on into a rubber consistency. A-ha!!!
I'll be volunteering to bring an appetizer for the September dinner club.