Last night we went over to our neighbors' house for dinner (Mitch and Katie). Dinner was awesome! We had fillet mignon, sweet potatoes, salad with strawberries and pine nuts, homemade bread, and then chocolate lava cakes hot out of the ramekins for dessert! Yum, yum! We left at nearly 10 p.m. after viewing a slide show of their recent 3 week trip to New Zealand. It was amazing. They're having a baby that is due in about 3 weeks. It's a little boy. We wish them the best!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Last night we went over to our neighbors' house for dinner (Mitch and Katie). Dinner was awesome! We had fillet mignon, sweet potatoes, salad with strawberries and pine nuts, homemade bread, and then chocolate lava cakes hot out of the ramekins for dessert! Yum, yum! We left at nearly 10 p.m. after viewing a slide show of their recent 3 week trip to New Zealand. It was amazing. They're having a baby that is due in about 3 weeks. It's a little boy. We wish them the best!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
mam, your passport has expired.
Well, I got a little push to change it now. Mark and I booked a trip to the southern Carribbean for March. And they recently changed the "rules" that now you must have a passport for the Carribbean, whereas previously it was unnecessary. Paid all of my fees, airfare, etc. And then thought, "ya know, I think I booked all of that in my MARRIED name and my passport is in my MAIDEN name." Well, I got my passport out and it doesn't matter anyway because it has EXPIRED. Awesome. Now I have to fill out a form and get it expedited to make sure that it's here before we leave.
Never put off today, what you can do tomorrow. My reversed motto has gotten me in this mess!
In other news, Sprinkles (the cat) made a visit to a new vet last week and he is doing very well! He got a shot of antibiotic, a shot of steroid, and his updated rabies vaccine. He is more playful, doesn't sleep all day, and is more tolerant of the other cat, Miss Marble. But I think since he's been awake more, he has become bored. He follows me around during the day room to room, and just sits and watches me. It's been too cold for him to stay outside long. Supposed to get even colder this weekend!
The bad news is that Sprinkles may have some cancer on his nose. Squamous cell carcinoma, to be exact. I thought it was just some dirt he had nosed around in, but the vet thinks otherwise. We'll have to schedule him for a biopsy later. I want to make sure his throat gets completely cleared up before I put him through something painful like that.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
2009: A New Year
-Get my SECOND lasik eye surgery to fix my left eye that didn't completely correct with the first surgery.
-Finish kitchen cabinets
-Tile backsplash for kitchen
-Staining the deck and replacing some boards
-Finish decorating the study and master BR
-replacing some light fixtures
-painting the house (outside)
-New stove (the old one is the most inefficient appliance I've ever used). It's the last appliance to have to replace.
-Go to the gym at least 3 times a week.
There are more little odds and ends, but I won't bore you all with them.
OH, and I almost forgot: my new resolution is to post on my blog very frequently--at least three times a week!!! Let's see how long I keep this one up!
Monday, January 12, 2009
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Montezuma's Castle

Saturday, January 10, 2009
Scenic Drive

Friday, January 9, 2009
Jerome, Arizona

Our camera batteries died after this photo, otherwise we'd have more pics of the town!
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Chapel on the Mountain

Tuesday, January 6, 2009
The Grand Canyon

Near where the big canyon looks like it starts
It didn't take nearly as long as I had thought it would to see the big hole in the ground. But it was a beautiful sight.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
New Year's Day (and night)

Thursday, January 1, 2009
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year Everyone! We're on our winter vacation to Sedona, Arizona. We planned it to be at the same time as the Hoffmans were going to be here (pictured above). We both got in yesterday afternoon and met for dinner at a nice Italian restaurant. So much fun! But we were so exhausted from travel and our bodies being two hours ahead that we just couldln't stay up and welcome the new year in last night.
This morning we woke up early, got ready and headed out to watch the sun rise over the beautiful red rocks in Sedona. We drove all around the place looking for a restaurant that served breakfast and just couldn't believe that nothing was open. Do they eat breakfast here? We finally realized that it was in fact a holiday (we had forgotten). So, we found a great local bread company and ate breakfast there. Lots of fresh fruit, a fritatta, and banana nut bread. Plus coffee and some fresh squeezed orange juice.
Of all things: I forgot my coat. Thankfully, there was a Gap outlet right up the road and I bought a fleece piece to get me through.
This afternoon we're meeting up with the Hoffmans for a "Pink Jeep Tour". I can't wait to get all of the fantastic photos and share them with you!