There are so many pictures and so much to write about that I thought I'd break it up into different posts so it's not such a huge post at once. But I have to tell you, a part of me thought that I would absolutely HATE being on a ship, stranded, with so many people. But this was absolutely fantastic! It was a luxury cruise liner that is less than a year old. Apparently it's the nicest ship that any of the other seasoned cruisers have been on too. There were few children on board and a lot of older people. The food was fantastic, it was beautiful, clean and luxurious. I can't praise it enough. Mark and I were both very sad when it ended. Yes, you heard me right. We could have gone for another week. We enjoyed it THAT much.
It was a continuing medical education conference for me, which was the whole reason that we went. In addition to our 9th wedding anniversary coming up April 1st. Mark got to relax the mornings that I was in class, which fortunately were just the mornings we were at sea. Remember the Terri Schivo case that was all over television? Well, one of the speakers or "teachers" of my course was her end of life doctor. Nice and funny guy.
Our ports of call were San Juan, Puerto Rico; Bassettere, St.Kitts; and St. Maarten.
I plan to write a separate post with photos on each of our ports of call.