Thursday, March 3, 2011

And I would walk five hundred miles.......

Remember that song?  I used to love it, and really, it was a stupid song.  But I have decided that during the month of March I am going to walk, not 500, but 100 miles.  Now, for runners I'm sure this doesn't seem like much.  But I've been pretty sedentary for a while, so this is a big deal.  But the weather is getting nicer and I'm quite tired of gaining weight.  I'm one of those "when I get stressed, I eat" people.  And lately?  I've been stressed a bit.  So, time to do something about all of these extra pounds before summer gets here.

So, now that I've blogged about all have to hold me accountable!  (Thanks for that idea Arika!)


Arika said...

Ha! I WISH I could say it worked; however, I'm still stuck at the same stupid weight I was when I blogged! So discouraging! Hopefully you'll have better luck! I'm sure you have more discipline than I have! ha. :)

Plan Our Health said...

Discipline? No, not really. I bought the "30 Day Shred" video you mentioned back last year (or was it the year before that?) and did it twice. I did not enjoy it at all. I need monotonous cardio workouts because I am simply not coordinated enough to participate in routines that involve jumping from one movement to the next. So far I'm into the third day of March and walked 0.4 miles. LOL Only 99.6 more to go!!

Rita said...

WOW! One HUNDRED miles!

You go girl!